来源: 直播吧
2024-11-17 14:08
Hello, hello, everyone! It's been an exciting couple of days full of roster rumors and speculation. Today, I have some juicy transfer news from the LCK to share with you all.
First up, BeryL. He has confirmed his return to his former team, DK, and will be competing in the upcoming season as a player. It's a done deal, folks!
Moving on to GEN, their jungler has also put pen to paper and signed a contract. No more uncertainties there, it's official! As for Kiin, he will be making his decision and finalizing his contract in the next couple of days.
Now, let's talk about the news you've all been waiting for - T1. My sources tell me that Gumayusi is very close to signing a contract with T1. As for Zeus, he's currently weighing his options, including a tempting offer from an LPL team. It seems like he may need another day or two to make up his mind. However, from what I've heard from my sources in Korea, T1 is likely to extend their contract with Zeus.
That's all for now, folks. Stay tuned for more exciting transfer news in the world of League of Legends. I'll be back with more updates soon! Cheers!
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